Monday, January 21, 2013

Rockin' it at the gym today.

Today, I took my kids to pre-school, even though I had the day off, so I could go to Planet Fitness and work out before coming home to finish a school project. I love PF, but had not been there in weeks. My first week that I missed was because we were traveling. When we came home, I used our treadmill while the kids napped. Last, week, Jon was recovering from surgery, so I stayed home and worked out. These are not excuses; I still met my cardio goals each week. I just realized that I don't enjoy working out at home like I enjoy working out at PF. I think its the change in atmosphere, the attitude that I am there to get a job done, being surrounded by people working out, and just the "me" time that makes working out at PF so much more energizing than working out at home. Looking forward to getting back in the routine of working out at PF while Jon works out at home.

As someone who has yo-yo'd more times than I would like to admit, I think the key to getting healthy is finding something you enjoy. Infact, my WW leader (WHO IS FANTASTIC) discussed this during our meeting this week. He said, "if you are not doing an excercise you enjoy, FIND SOMETHING ELSE." This prompted my trip back to PF today, and he's right!!! I enjoyed my workout today! I also decided that if the treadmill at home is available because Jon is not working out, I am still going to PF.

This is by no means an advertisement for Planet Fitness, this is an advertisemt for YOU to dig down deep and find something you enjoy...and GO DO IT! I was telling my mom about my experience at the gym today, and she said "walking from the parking lot to the gym" would be my excercise. She caught herself and remembered that she could shop with the best athlete in the world on Black Friday, and outshop them. I think about her walking at the zoo--the woman could walk a zoo everyday during the spring and summer months and be happy. She may not be a gym member, but if she has a purpose she will walk to the ends of the earth. I encourage you to find your excercise that moves and motivates you.

A change in behavior is the only way to get our goals. Find a way to make excercise a normal routine, a part of your behavior that you depend on and make it something you enjoy.

Finding my way to Fit,

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