Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Motivation to change?

So, I received several emails in response to sharing my blog with a few select family members and friends. I appreciate the support more than you can ever know! I received a couple particularly moving emails, one person wrote that she noticed a difference in my mentality this time. She asked if I had thought about what was motivating me this time versus all the other attempts at weight loss. I thought about this a lot today, and I have come up with a couple different answers.

First of all, I have not lost any more weight this time than I have any other time that I have joined weight watchers. I typically hit the 25lb mark before I flake out. Knowing this about myself, I am going to be very aware and purposeful in maintaing motivation when I get to my 25lbs lost (and I will get to 25lbs lost).
So, what is my motivation? Why do I seem more determined this time than in times past?

1. First of all, every time that I have joined Weight Watchers or any other weight loss program, I have joined to lose weight for a special occasion or circumstance. I wanted to lose weight to help me in pregnancy and having a healthy baby (it worked!, but then I didn't relose!). I wanted to lose weight for Jess's wedding (lost almost 30lbs and gained 15 of it back before the wedding...). This time, I want to lose weight so I can be a more healthy mom, wife, and person in general. I don't have a "time line" for my goals, nor do I have an "event" that I am shooting for. I am taking this one week at a time, one weigh-in at a time, one moment at a time.

2. Joining Weight Watchers (again) was not a rash decision. In times past, I would just wake up one morning and want to make huge dynamic changes. There were unmaintable, and sporadic. This time, I had been following the Weight Watcher program at home, weighing in on my own when I came to a stalling point. Jon and I talked about me joining weight watchers, we both agreed it was needed, we worked it in to our budget and I joined. There was no--jump in for a quick-fix mentality.

3. I was in the mindest to get healthy and fit prior to joining as opposed to joinging because of a dislike for myself. I actually began the C25K program in June. Read several blogs and running articles about how starting a running program can slow weight loss because of gaining muscle and changes in the body. In several articles, 12 weeks was the magic number for our bodies to get accustomed to running. When I joined weight watchers, I had already made a lot of progress in excercise and regulating my diet just made since.

4. Changes in behavior. This just goes back to a more focused mentality. A friend of mine, who has been succesful in her weight loss and maintenance goals, opened my eyes to my own behaviors. She shares her stories and her philosophies of weight loss, and she makes me think about my own behaviors. I had to clean up several of my behaviors (like eating junk as soon as I walk in the door after school). However, instead of getting rid of my afternoon snack, like I would have done in the years past, I have just replaced it with a healthy snack. Coming up with replacement behaviors has been instrumental in helping me maintain my focus.

5. Realist goals. In the past, my goals would be ridiculous and unattainable, then I would give up. This time, I am following the advice of my weight watcher leader and several successful people who have lost weight: make small goals, reward myself for hitting it (non-food rewards), then move to the next small goal. My first goal was 5% of my weight. I hit that a few weeks ago, so now I am working on 10%. Each step will be a step closer to my ultimate goal weight, but right now, I am just focusing on the little victories.

6. The final piece to my make a change puzzle is the accountability piece. Between this blog, my friends and family members who expect my weigh-in report on Sunday, my weight record and my kids and husband, I find myself more focused.

Thank you all again for the support, and thank you for joining me on this journey.

Working my way to fit,

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